SIH Outpatient Rehabilitation

Massage Therapy can help clients recover by using touch to manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues of the body. Relieving pain, healing injuries, improving circulation, and decreasing stress are the primary goals of Massage Therapy.

Therapists and certified massage therapists at SIH work together to coordinate a treatment plan for your injury or condition. SIH uses an integrative medical approach which combines conventional medicine with integrative medicines to promote physical and mental well-being.

Our Massage Therapist is fully licensed and ready to help you with your recovery. Whether you need to relax or need help working out the knots, give us a call today.


Theraputic Massage:

This method works with the soft tissue in the body to reduce levels of stress and pain, and also increases mobility and the soft tissue function.

Relaxation Massage:

Using light to medium pressure, this method reduces levels of stress in the body and relaxes the nervous system.

Deep Tissue Massage:

With an increased amount of pressure, the therapist works into the deeper layers of the muscles to help find trigger points, scar tissue, and muscle tightness that you can not feel on the surface. It helps to reduce chronic pain and also to break up/soften scar tissue.

Stretch Therapy:

The therapist assists the client in different stretch movements. This helps increase range of motion, flexibility, and stimulates blood flow (the increased blood flow increases healing), It can help with muscle strength by causing the muscles to be more pliable and to handle the effects of chronic, daily overuse or prolonged injuries.

Migraine, Sinus Pressure, and Headache Massage:

Specific muscle tightness and trigger points can contribute to these issues in the head and face. Concentrating on areas in the head, neck, shoulders and upper back can improve these conditions.

Trigger point therapy and active release therapy:

In this modality we locate “knots” and use applied pressure to work and relieve pain.

Hot Stone Sports Massage:

Hot stones are used (that are held in hands at all times) on nearly every massage treatment to help soften the muscles, to promote increased blood flow, and relax the nervous system.


  • 30-minute massage $30
  • 60-minute massage $60

Benefits of Massage:

  • Promotes natural healing from injury, chronic overuse or surgeries
  • Decreases stress in the body: both physical and emotional
  • Increases blood circulation and wellness in the cardiovascular system
  • Helps to decrease and heal headaches and migraines
  • Can increase strength and mental focus
  • Can decrease high blood pressure
  • Helps to naturally reduce levels of pain
  • Promotes better sleeping patterns
  • Can help balance hormone levels
  • Can ease symptoms of depression
  • Reduces muscle tension


  • SIH Rehab Deep Tissue Massage Therapy

    Deep Tissue Massage

  • SIH Rehab Migraine Massage

    Migraine Massage

  • SIH Rehab Stretch Massage

    Stretch Massage

  • SIH Rehab Massage Therapy

    Relaxation Massage

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